
Every One has ROOTS
The following questions are about the confidant’s roots. Roots are important — we need to know where we've come from, to know where we're headed. Understanding the confidant’s family may reveal a great deal about the client. Learning one's roots can reveal important clues as to why things occurred in your life.
1.    Tell the story about how your parents met and fell in love?
2.    Tell a story that would show what your mother was like.
3.    What can you say about your mother — do you know where she came from, where she was born and what her life was like before she met your father?
4.    What are some of your mother's emotional traits — was she warm and loving, or strict, or nagging, or unstable, or humorous … how was she?
5.    What was the best thing about your father?
6.    What was the worst thing about your father?
7.    What do you know about your father's bloodlines, his genealogy?
8.    What do you know about your mother's bloodlines, her genealogy?
9.    Was there anything unusual about your mother or father?
10.Did your mother ever give any sex education to you? What was her attitude towards the subject, in your view?
11.What was your father's work?
12.What kind of bedtime stories did your father tell you?
13.Is there something important to say about your grandparents or great- grandparents?
14.In what ways were your uncles and aunts important to you?

CHILDHOOD     (Pre-­‐School)

This section will be one of the most critical. Don't be embarrassed if you don't remember, just be open and frank, because this inventory is for you.
The therapist needs to watch for protectors to surface with the "approved solutions", and watch the different slants that are given by the client at different times to the same subjects.
1.    What is your earliest memory? How old were you? Where did you live?
2.    What do you know about your birth? Were you pre-mature? Were you born via c- section? Were you tiny or frail?
3.    Did you have older siblings who helped raise you?What was the neighborhood like that you grew up in before kindergarten?
4.    Did you ever get into trouble when you were between three and five years old?
5.    Were you ever sent to your room, or made to stand in a corner in your first _______ few years?
6.    How did your parents punish you?
7.    Who disciplined you the most?
8.    What kind of religious experiences did you have as a small child?
10.Who was more religious — your father or your mother?
11.Who was your first grade teacher?
12.What was your first grade teacher like?
13.Can you describe your first day at school?
14.How would other people have described you when you were a small child?
15.What kind of chores did you have as a child?
16.What kind of games did you play as a small child?
17.Do you think you had a happy childhood?
18.What are some of your favorite childhood memories?
19.What is your worst childhood memory?
20.How did you feel about going to doctors when you were little?
21.What did you want to be when you grew up?
22.Do you remember putting your teeth under the pillow for the tooth fairy?
23.Do you remember Christmas or some other holidays?
24.Did you know any crazy people when you were little?
25.What did you think about people who were a different race when you were __________ little?
26.What did you think about Halloween when you were little?
27.Did you ever get sick when you were a little child?
28.Did your family go on any vacations, could you describe one?


If the client is talkative, let them provide as much as they want. When dealing with victims of mind-control, everything about their life tends to be a clue as to what has gone on.
The therapist can trust their own curiosity and ask further questions.
For some victims, their host alter will not have memories below the age of eighteen, or their memories will be spotty.
However, the newer mind-control victims are getting better childhood cover memories laid in so that their mind-control is not so obvious.
1.    Do you remember the first book you read?
2.    What kind of things did your parents like to read?
3.    What kind of toys did you have in elementary school?
4.    What were some of your favorite games during your elementary school days?
5.    Did you learn to play any musical instruments?
6.    What were some of your favorite songs during that time period?
7.    Did your family move a lot, and how did that affect you?
8.    What was the worst experience that you can remember from your school days?
9.    What was the best experience that you can remember from your school days?
10.Did someone in your class of the opposite sex have a crush on you?
11.Can you remember what was the most memorable gift that you gave as a child?
12.Can you remember what your favorite gift that you received was?
13.Did your family take vacations during your school years?
14.Did you have any strange people in your school or in your neighborhood, and how did you feel about them?
15.What kind of pets did you have growing up? What happened to them?
16.Do you remember your tenth and eleventh birthdays?
17.List the names of your elementary school teachers.
18.Describe your elementary school building on the inside & outside.
19.What was the name(s) of the Junior High that you went to?
20.What was the most influential teacher that you had during your school days?
21.Did you hang around with any kids, and if so, what were they like?
22.What kind of neighbors did you have?
23.What kind of trouble did you get into?


The high school years are years when the child is meeting interesting members of the opposite sex, preparing for their future, and working at their first jobs. It's a time for new beginning as well as much turmoil. It is also a time when the victim will be in many secret rituals, and will be used for many mind control assignments.
There are no right or wrong answers, if the client thinks of something else, besides what initially comes to mind, then it is quite alright to have several "most" events in answer to a "what is the most ... ?" type of question.
1.    What was the craziest thing you ever did in high school? Why did you do it, and what happened?
2.    Who was your favorite person during your high school days?
3.    Who were your best friends during high school?
4.    What is the funniest thing that happened to you as a teenager?
5.    What did you expect to do when you graduated from high school?
6.    Did you go to your high school prom?
7.    Do you remember any of the nicknames you had for your teachers?
8.    What was your favorite subject in school?
9.    In your opinion, which did you like more in high school, sports or intellectual pursuits?
10.Could you describe what the high school building looked like?
11.Were you active in a church during your high school days?
12.Did you do any great activities with other teenagers in some religious club or Sunday school group?
13.Were you a leader of any activity during your high school days?
14.What was it like going to the movies as a teenager in your area?
15.Who were your heroes during your teenage years?
16.Who were the heroes of your peers when you were a teenager?
17.Did anybody ever accuse you of being dishonest as a teenager?
18.Did you try to pattern your life after anyone, if so who? Do you still admire the qualities you saw in that person?
19.What kind of conflicts did you have with your parents?
20.What kind of conflicts did you have with your teachers?
21.What kind of conflicts did you have with your peers?
22.What was your attitude toward drugs and smoking during your teenage years?
23.Was there ever a point in time where you went against your parents’ wishes?
24.Tell the story about how you managed to get your way.


It almost goes without saying that the therapist is trying to build rapport with these questions not to interrogate, not to judge, but simply to listen and learn.
Find out what was the most important thing(s) in the person's life. Find out what the client remembers that was interesting.
1.    What kind of things were you involved in after high school?
2.    Where did you go to college or trade school?
3.    What was it like to leave home, to go to higher education or to be on your own?
4.    Did you join any fraternity or sorority?
5.    What was your major field of study after you left high school?
6.    Did you have any part-time jobs, after you got out of high school?
7.    Who were your best friends during the first few years after high school?
8.    When was the first time you met your spouse? Describe the meeting.
9.    Where did you live after you first got married?
10.How much did it cost for different items when you first got married? For instance, what did a loaf of bread, a liter of petrol, a dozen eggs, and a hamburger cost?
11.What did the future look like when you graduated from high school?
12.What did the future look like when you graduated from college, or a trade-school?
13.Do you think attitudes about sex have changed for the better or worse over the years? Why do you think attitudes are changing?
14.What did your family think about your first spouse? What were their reactions?
15.Did you have any common interests with your first spouse, and if so, what?
16.Who would you have liked to have married that you didn't?
17.How would you describe yourself in your twenties?
18.From where you are today, when did you decide upon your career? When did you first entertain thoughts of this career? Were the seeds of where your life has ended up present in your early life?
19.What do you consider your most important achievement so far in your life?
20.How do you feel about God, and could you please describe your image of what kind of person God is?
21.Did you have military service, and what was that like?
22.Are you a flashy dresser, conservative, sloppy, well-groomed dresser?
23.How important is it to dress well?
24.What kind of pets did you have in adult life?
25.Do you think much about death? Do you fear death?
26.What do you think happens to people when they die?
27.Did you ever have an ESP experience?
28.Did you ever have a ghost experience?
29.What do you think about magic?
30.What kind of foods do you like? What kinds of foods do you detest and why?
31.What did you think about Watergate?
32.Where was the edge of the city when you graduated from high school, has the city grown since then?
33.Is there something that we have failed to talk about that you feel is important?

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