Divine Editing

Reticular Formation

 Brain Scientist Aiko Horman studies of the “Reticular Formation”.
The reticular formation is the small part of the brain that records emotions and feelings and tells the brain how to react to circumstances and situations. It is located in the back of the head above where the spine connects to the skull.

The reticular formation starts to record emotions and feelings at conception while the child is still in the womb and continues to record until death. Positive and negative emotions and feelings the parents, siblings, friends, grandparents, etc., expressed are recorded as normal and familiar to that individual.

New born children recognize voices, emotions and feeling as familiar and are attracted to what is familiar. Division, strife, put-down, swearing, become acceptable normal behaviour and is recorded in the reticular formation. Also loving, affirming, encouraging and strengthening one another.

Normal and familiar
Often, people don’t realize how negative their behavior is until they get around Kingdom people who practice loving, affirming, encouraging and strengthening one another. Normal and familiar habits that are negative, feed a lifestyle that brings honor to the kingdom of darkness.

Our thinking patterns that have formed in the reticular formation become habits and tell us what is normal and acceptable.
Poor habits and accepted lies have to be broken off and renounced in the name of Jesus Christ and replaced with good habits and truth declared.

The only thing that can break a lie is the truth.

Familiar Spirits (demons) take advantage of bad habits and bring a twisted comfort and sense of control that is really a lie and brings destruction to the individual’s life.

Editing out the bad and replacing it with the good. Divine editing is the process of identifying bad thought processes that cause wrong behavior, then editing in the transformed mind of Christ.

Procedure: Divine Editing

Lay hands on the lower back of the head where the reticular formation is located.

Ask the Holy Spirit to reveal wrong thought processes and behaviors.   

Someone should write these down as the individual speaks them out. Then go through the following steps of editing:

Wrong thinking patterns                                                   Wrong behaviour

1.  It’s normal to be negative                                          negative conversations /rumours
2.  Never display a opposing opinion                             pleasing others to be accepted
3.  Degrading others to feel superior                              always putting people down               
4. OK to lie to protect myself                                         lie and deceive for personal gain
5.  Everything for my advantage                                  manipulating and cheating people                       
6.  OK to fight for my rights                                           aggression when wronged
7.  Swearing to be taken serious                                      always using swear words               
8.  Ok to sexually molest others                                     displaying sexual flirtation & wants
9.  It’s never my fault                                                      others should ask forgiveness
10. OK to steal if doesn’t  hurt others                             steal when needed
11. OK to cheat to get what I need                                  cheating for my advantage
12. OK to physically hurt people                                     physical display of anger
13. Need for self satisfaction                                       drugs, over-eating, porno, sex are OK

I found it easier to have some examples on hand (you can also write down your own.) For example, if the Holy Spirit reveals to them that there was no peace in their family, you might relate that to: OK to be negative, or swearing and physical aggression was normal: Use example 1-7-or 12.

Once the Holy Spirit reveals the wrong thought processes, we confess these processes and behaviors.

1. What is the lie?     wrong thinking pattern   __wrong behavior______

Then we renounce our involvement in the thoughts and actions.

2. I reject the lie and for taking part in  ___wrong behavior______
I break off all demonic control and I ask forgiveness, in Jesus’ name! 
  1-2-3 clap!

Then we declare what the new thoughts and actions will look like.

3. What is the truth?      new thinking pattern   __new behavior______
I ask You, Holy Spirit to renew my thoughts and attitudes!
1-2-3 clap!

Ephesians 4:21-24 NLT  Since you have heard about Jesus and have learned the truth that comes from him, 22throw off your old sinful nature and your former way of life, which is corrupted by lust and deception. 23Instead, let the Spirit renew your thoughts and attitudes. 24Put on your new nature, created to be like God—truly righteous and holy.

Spirit of Death: The distortion of our beliefs about God originate when we are infants or as young children in reaction to our parents’ neglect, rejection, abuse, absence, or simply lack of parenting skills.

Our rebellious choices are based on faulty assumptions that our heavenly Father is just like our parents.

Whenever we sense this deadly presence, we can assume in most cases that we are not being harassed by Satan, himself. Rather, we are encountering an atmosphere of death, influenced by demonic strongholds and supported by cultural and personal belief systems.

Spirit of Death, I command you, in the name of Jesus, to be bound and cast out to the foot of the Cross. Go now!!!  1 – 2 - 3 clap!