
Monarch Mind-Control
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                         Monarch Butterfly                                                                                       

One of the primary reasons that the Monarch mind-control programming was named Monarch programming was because of the Monarch butterfly. The Monarch butterfly learns where it was born (its roots) and it passes this knowledge via genetics on to its offspring (from generation to generation). This was one of the key animals that tipped scientists off, that knowledge can be passed genetically.

When the Monarch Programming started, the top men were Illuminati. Originally, Joseph Mengele was the lead programmer. He had already achieved the rank of Grand Master (later Ipssimus) within the Illuminati. He had become skilled in music, in Kabbalistic Magic, in dancing, in abortions, and in torture (by the way, Mengele had a sadistic mother) and programming children. Many of the concentration camp children that Mengele programmed still survive and still love him to this day as "Daddy".
             Doctor Phil

The programmers are very much into demonology. Before therapists close their minds to this subject, the authors would like to point out, that they personally know of cases where Monarch slaves whose Christian personalities & other alters didn’t believe in demonology were talked into participating in real deliverance, and the slaves discovered much to their surprise that work they had unsuccessfully tried to do for years with their therapist was accomplished in a day or two. There are many top notch Christians in the churches today who are under mind-control, incl. many of the Christian leadership. I would like to remind Christian ministers that Isaiah the great prophet said,
"The Lord GOD hath given me the tongue of the learned that I should know how to speak a word in season to him that is weary: he wakeneth morning by morning; he wakeneth mine ear to hear as the learned." Ignorance is not godliness. Isaiah learned to speak with the great learned men of his day, just as Paul the great apostle could speak to the learned men of his time. One of the character traits of God is that He is all-knowing. WHO says it is godly to be ignorant? The prophet Daniel said Yahweh God "reveals the deep and secret things." (Dan. 2:22a) God’s instruments will do this revealing. Jesus’ advice to his disciples was in effect to "Be wise as serpents, and gentle as a lamb". This advice certainly applies in helping the victims of trauma-based mind-control. Paul in his letter to the Thessalonians (1 Thes 5:14) says that in effect that different people need different counseling, but they all need to be treated with patience.

Beta--This is the second Greek letter, and it represents the sexual models and sexual alters that the Programmers are creating. The primitive part of the brain is involved in this type of programming. An early sexual abuse event will be used to anchor this programming. Beta alters generally see themselves as cats.

(Freedom Train is the code word for the Monarch trauma-based mind-control. To be thrown from the Freedom Train means to be killed.)

The preparation for someone to be programmed also concerns the ability of a person to be demonized. Generational satanic families are sold out to Satan, and their children belong to Satan in a way that non-generational children do not. Because of the generational curses, because of the genetic bent toward the occult, because of the generational demonic forces, the Illuminati children are very good candidates for Monarch programming. Part of the programming includes the layering in of demonic forces, and the participation in blood rituals in order to draw in the most powerful of demons.

Moonchild: the idea is expressed, "To produce a man who should not be bound up in his heredity, and should have the environment which they desired for him." This perfect soul in a proper person is called Homunculus.

The Monarch Project then which is named after the Monarch butterfly is also an allusion to the Moonchild project where Butterflies are an allusion to souls (what Christians call demonic spirits).

Italian generational witchcraft is called the Ways of the Strega. These generational occult bloodlines, esp. in Tuscany and Naples, are very much into generational ancestor spirits. Studies (such as Fenaroff, 1972) have found that only 7-8% of the live births were premature, but 25 to 40% (about a third) of all battered children were born premature.

A bloodline will often want a female’s first born male to be sacrificed to their belief system and the Lilith (a demon) programming which is given the alters who function within the Kabballistic Tree of Life which is built in during Mengele’s  programming for the deeper sections (levels) of alters which are trained in Illuminati black magic.